USACO 4.3.2 The Primes

輝夜(tadvent) posted @ 2009年4月25日 07:29 in USACO with tags usaco , 3161 阅读
够BT的一道题,改了几遍才过 - -
TASK: prime3
Compile: OK
   Test 1: TEST OK [0.065 secs, 2984 KB]
   Test 2: TEST OK [0.054 secs, 2988 KB]
   Test 3: TEST OK [0.065 secs, 2984 KB]
   Test 4: TEST OK [0.065 secs, 2988 KB]
   Test 5: TEST OK [0.076 secs, 2984 KB]
   Test 6: TEST OK [0.140 secs, 2984 KB]
   Test 7: TEST OK [0.119 secs, 2988 KB]
   Test 8: TEST OK [0.130 secs, 2988 KB]
   Test 9: TEST OK [0.205 secs, 2988 KB]
   Test 10: TEST OK [0.259 secs, 2988 KB]
All tests OK.
Your program ('prime3') produced all correct answers!  This is your
submission #5 for this problem.  Congratulations!
下面是第二行、第二列、第四行、第四列,这四种情况都是 1、2、4 位已定
(1) 所有5位质数且各位数字和满足条件的数
(2) 第1位已知且满足(1),各位都不为0的组合
(3) 1、5位已知且满足(1)的组合
(4) 1、3位已知且满足(1)的组合
(5) 1、2、3、4位已知且满足(1)的组合
其他好像有提出先填第5行和第5列的,因为这两行除了满足质数与数字和外 各位只能是 1、3、7、9 四选一。不过我觉得这没有用,例如只要第一列填了质数,则第5行第一位自然就只会是 1、3、7、9 之一了,先填第5行对第1列来说也并没有其他额外限制作用。但仅是猜测,也没试验过。
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2022年9月07日 17:18

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Alyssa 说:
2023年1月07日 20:28

The Primes is a USACO problem that asks for the number of prime numbers less than or equal to a given integer n. Given an integer n, the program should output the number of prime numbers less than or equal to n. This problem Lab grown diamonds can be solved using a simple brute force approach, which is to iterate through all the numbers from 2 to n and check if each number is prime. However, this approach is too slow for large values of n. A better approach is to use the Sieve of Eratosthenes, which is a fast algorithm for finding all prime numbers up to a given integer n.

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