fstream 文件 IO 点滴
又一次吃了浮点数的亏 = =

File I/O 效率 C vs C++ (一)

輝夜(tadvent) posted @ 2009年10月31日 16:22 in C/C++ with tags performance locale fstream c++ VC STL , 9589 阅读

其实关于这个问题的讨论似乎总会以类似语言信仰问题而告终,再加 C++ IO 库的复杂性,很多半调子 C++ 程序员总会出现各种误用,反过来却作为攻击 C++ IO 效率低的凭证。
咱也算是大致研究过 C++ IO stream 各方面的内容,虽然不能说完全掌握仍在学习中,但自认为还是可以写点东西的。
平台 XPsp3 + VC2008 Express Edition SP1 + STLport / MinGW(GCC4.4.0)
1. 纯字节流写入
     (1) C fputs()
     (2) C fprintf()
     (3) C++ ofstream<<
     (4) C++ ofstream.rdbuf()->sputn()
2. 宽字符流通过转码写入
     (1) C++ locale + wofstream<<
     (2) C++ codecvt<> facet + ofstream.rdbuf()->sputn()
     (3) WinAPI WideCharToMultiByte() + ofstream<<
3. 格式化写入 (一个 int 一个 double + 一个字符串)
     (1) C fprintf()
     (2) C++ ofstream<<
     (3) C++ ostream.rdbuf()->sputn() sputc() + num_put<> facet
以 C Runtime library 的 fputs 函数所用时间为 1.0 做基准

VC2008EE + VC STL:
text out C fputs()                      1.0
text out C fprintf()                    2.0
text out C++ ofstream <<                1.2
text out C++ ofstream rdbuf()->sputn()  0.8
wText out C++ wofstream deflocale      25.0
wText out C++ locale codecvt            7.5
wText out C++ ofstream + WinAPI         1.5
Format data out C fprintf()             2.0
Format data out C++ ofstream  <<        4.0
Format data out C++ ofs num_put facet   3.0
首先用 VC 自带的标准库,可以看到直接用 C++ fstream 的 << 效率与 C 库函数相比还是略低一些,但差距并没有到不可忍受的地步,考虑到 C++ IO stream 的各种特性,这些还是可以接受的。
而直接调用下层 rdbuf()->sputn() 函数却比 fputs() 效率更高,让我对 C++ IO 库的进一步优化仍有希望。
在 Unicode 大行其道的今天,宽字符的读写已成为必需,但使用 locale 配合 wstream 来做的话效率确实无法接受,从上面看居然比调用 WinAPI 的方法慢几十倍。我还是严重怀疑 VC STL 的实现有问题,只是换做直接调用 codecvt<> facet 就能提高好几倍效率。
格式化读写一向是 C++ IO stream 被重点诟病的地方,与 fprintf() 函数整相差一倍,即使直接调用 num_put (去掉了构造 ios_base::sentry 对象产生的流同步、空白跳过等操作),仍然有 50% 的差距。
其实从理论上来说,C++ 的格式化读写应当是比 C 的 fprintf() 函数要快的,因为 fprintf() 总要有一个解析格式字符串的过程,这个只能放在运行时,而 C++ 的格式是通过多个连续函数调用控制的,可以在编译时即进行优化。但实践往往存在各种变数 = =
VC2008EE + STLport5.2.1:
text out C fputs()                      1.0
text out C fprintf()                    2.0
text out C++ ofstream <<                0.7
text out C++ ofstream rdbuf()->sputn()  0.6
wText out C++ wofstream deflocale       7.5
wText out C++ locale codecvt            7.0
wText out C++ ofstream + WinAPI         1.0
Format data out C fprintf()             2.0
Format data out C++ ofstream  <<        2.0
Format data out C++ ofs num_put facet   1.7
STLport 的 C 库函数完全是照搬 VC 的标准运行库,而只是重新实现了整个 C++ 库,所以 C 函数的效率与上一例是相同的,可直接横向比较。
面对这样的结果,我只能说 STLport 太赞了!!再考虑到其他的种种特性,赶紧扔掉 VC STL 全部换用 STLport 吧
不过转码看来确实是一个平台相关的特性,仍然无法比过 WinAPI 的效率

MinGW GCC4.4.0 + libstdc++:
text out C fputs()                      1.5
text out C fprintf()                    2.7
text out C++ ofstream <<                6.0
text out C++ ofstream rdbuf()->sputn()  2.7
mingw libstdc++ doesnot surpport other locale...
mingw libstdc++ doesnot surpport other locale...
wText out C++ ofstream + WinAPI         2.1
Format data out C fprintf()             3.0
Format data out C++ ofstream  <<        6.6
Format data out C++ ofs num_put facet   5.8
MinGW 貌似比较慢,是因为 MinGW 默认输出按 UTF-8 编码,对中文来说,字节数是 ANSI 的 1.5 倍。只有调用 API 的那个例子保持了 ANSI 编码。
除以 1.5 的话可以看到 C 库函数的效率与 VC 差不多,但 C++ 的效率比 VC 略低,与 STLport 比就差更远了。毕竟 GCC + libstdc++ 在 Win 平台不是原生支持,只作为跨平台的特性这样也足够了。
没有用 MinGW + STLport 做实验,不知能不能达到 VC 的效率。
以前使用 C++ 的 IO stream 做输入输出时总担心效率问题,现在有了 STLport 做支持就可以放心大胆的用了。
但可以看到 C++ 的流式 IO 非常依赖于库实现,在各平台上的表现大概不如 C 库函数来得稳定。
而且使用除 "C" 之外的 locale 时效率确实还是有问题,转码的话还是直接调用平台 API 省时省力又高效。MinGW 考虑不引入 locale 部分也是有道理的啊...
这次全是 O,下次再比较 I 的情况...
  1. // test the performance of C I/O & C++ streams & C++ codecvt facet
  2. #include<cstdio>
  3. #include<iostream>
  4. #include<fstream>
  5. #include<locale>
  6. #include<cstdlib>
  7. #include<ctime>
  8. #include<windows.h>
  9. using namespace std;
  11. const int testsize = 50000;
  13. int main(){
  14.     char cstr[] = "这是实验字符串这是实验字符串这是实验字符串这是实验字符串这是实验字符串这是实验字符串这是实验字符串这是实验字符串";
  15.     wchar_t wstr[] = L"这是实验字符串这是实验字符串这是实验字符串这是实验字符串这是实验字符串这是实验字符串这是实验字符串这是实验字符串";
  16.     char buffer[200];
  17.     int cstrlen = strlen(cstr);
  18.     locale defloc("");
  20.     clock_t start;
  21.     FILE *cfile;
  22.     ofstream fout;
  23.     wofstream wfout;
  25.     // pure text ...........................
  26.     start = clock();
  27.     cfile = fopen("text_out_C_fputs.txt", "w");
  28.     for(int i = 0; i < testsize; ++i){
  29.         fputs(cstr, cfile);
  30.         fputc('\n', cfile);
  31.     }
  32.     fclose(cfile);
  33.     printf("Text out C fputs: %d\n", clock()-start);
  35.     start = clock();
  36.     cfile = fopen("test_out_C_fprintf.txt", "w");
  37.     for(int i = 0; i < testsize; ++i){
  38.         fprintf(cfile, "%s\n", cstr);
  39.     }
  40.     fclose(cfile);
  41.     printf("Text out C fprintf: %d\n", clock()-start);
  43.     fout.clear();
  44.     start = clock();
  45.     fout.open("text_out_Cpp_ofstream.txt");
  46.     for(int i = 0; i < testsize; ++i){
  47.         fout << cstr << '\n';
  48.     }
  49.     fout.close();
  50.     printf("Text out Cpp ofstream: %d\n", clock()-start);
  52.     fout.clear();
  53.     start = clock();
  54.     fout.open("text_out_Cpp_rdbuf.txt");
  55.     for(int i = 0; i < testsize; ++i){
  56.         fout.rdbuf()->sputn(cstr, cstrlen);
  57.         fout.rdbuf()->sputc('\n');
  58.     }
  59.     fout.close();
  60.     printf("Text out Cpp rdbuf: %d\n", clock()-start);
  62.     // wchar_t text ...............................
  63.     wfout.clear();
  64.     start = clock();
  65.     wfout.open("wtext_out_Cpp_wofs_defloc.txt");
  66.     wfout.imbue(defloc);
  67.     for(int i = 0; i < testsize; ++i){
  68.         wfout << wstr << L'\n';
  69.     }
  70.     wfout.close();
  71.     printf("wText out Cpp wofs with default locale: %d\n", clock()-start);
  73.     fout.clear();
  74.     start = clock();
  75.     char *next;
  76.     const wchar_t *wnext;
  77.     mbstate_t st;
  78.     fout.open("wtext_out_Cpp_codecvt_facet.txt");
  79.     for(int i = 0; i < testsize; ++i){
  80.         use_facet<codecvt<wchar_t, char, mbstate_t> >(defloc).out(
  81.             st, wstr, wstr+sizeof(wstr)/2-1, wnext,
  82.             buffer, buffer+sizeof(buffer)-1, next);
  83.         fout.rdbuf()->sputn(buffer, next-buffer);
  84.         fout.rdbuf()->sputc('\n');
  85.     }
  86.     fout.close();
  87.     printf("wText out Cpp ofs with codecvt facet: %d\n", clock()-start);
  89.     fout.clear();
  90.     start = clock();
  91.     fout.open("wtext_out_Cpp_ofs_WinAPI.txt");
  92.     for(int i = 0; i < testsize; ++i){
  93.         WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, wstr, -1, buffer, 200, NULL, NULL);
  94.         fout << buffer << '\n';
  95.     }
  96.     fout.close();
  97.     printf("wText out Cpp ofs with WideCharToMultiByte API: %d\n",
  98.         clock()-start);
  100.     // Format out ...........................................
  101.     srand((unsigned)time(NULL));
  103.     char datastr[] = "TestDataString实验格式化字符串";
  104.     start = clock();
  105.     cfile = fopen("format_data_out_C_fprintf.txt", "w");
  106.     for(int i = 0; i < testsize; ++i){
  107.         fprintf(cfile, "%d %lf %s\n",
  108.             rand(), double(rand())/RAND_MAX, datastr);
  109.     }
  110.     fclose(cfile);
  111.     printf("Format data out C fprintf: %d\n", clock()-start);
  113.     fout.clear();
  114.     start = clock();
  115.     fout.open("format_data_out_Cpp_ofstream.txt");
  116.     for(int i = 0; i < testsize; ++i){
  117.         fout << rand() << ' ' << double(rand())/RAND_MAX << ' '
  118.             << datastr << '\n';
  119.     }
  120.     fout.close();
  121.     printf("Format data out Cpp ofstream: %d\n", clock()-start);
  123.     fout.clear();
  124.     start = clock();
  125.     fout.open("format_data_out_Cpp_ofs_facet.txt");
  126.     for(int i = 0; i < testsize; ++i){
  127.         use_facet<num_put<char> >(locale::classic()).put(
  128.             ostreambuf_iterator<char>(fout), fout, ' ', (long)rand());
  129.         fout.rdbuf()->sputc(' ');
  130.         use_facet<num_put<char> >(locale::classic()).put(
  131.             ostreambuf_iterator<char>(fout), fout, ' ',
  132.             double(rand())/RAND_MAX);
  133.         fout.rdbuf()->sputc(' ');
  134.         fout.rdbuf()->sputn(datastr, sizeof(datastr) - 1);
  135.         fout.rdbuf()->sputc('\n');
  136.     }
  137.     fout.close();
  138.     printf("Format data out Cpp ofs with facet: %d\n", clock()-start);
  140.     system("pause");
  141. }
Junior Certificate R 说:
2022年8月31日 15:30

Bangladesh Sylhet Division Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board also successfully completed the Junior School Certificate and Junior Dakhil Certificate of Grade 8th standard annual terminal examination tests on November 2022 at all selected examination centers of the division, according to the reports lacks students have appeared from all districts under the Division and they all are waiting to check JSC Result 2022 Sylhet Board. Department of Secondary Education, Junior Certificate Result Dinajpur Board Sylhet Division also conducted an evaluation process to the valuation of subject wise marks through answer sheet correction and the process of evaluation will be complete in before 2nd week of December 2022 and the education board will update answer scripts with student wise mark sheets in subject wise with total GPA grade points to Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board Bangladesh.

zaiya 说:
2023年1月14日 11:12

There are many factors to consider when determining the most efficient way to read and write data files. One important factor is the language in which the code is written. In general, C is more efficient than C++ when it comes to file I/O operations. This is because C is a lower-level language and therefore has less overhead. C++, on the other Cannabidiol Oil hand, is a higher-level language and has more overhead. As a result, C++ code generally runs more slowly than C code.

Emma 说:
2023年1月18日 19:11

There are many aspects to consider when discussing the efficiency of file I/O between C and C++. One key difference CBD Wellness is that C++ provides object-oriented features that can help to simplify and streamline code, while C does not. This means that in general, C++ code will be shorter and easier to read and maintain than C code.

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